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Racial Healing Workshop: Dreaming Our Way Forward: A Collective Dreaming Practice

  • Retreat Center Collaboration (map)

Call begins at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Our Community Calls provide peer support, discussion forums and guest workshops for retreat center leaders. To join us on a Community Call, please subscribe to the mailing list. You’ll receive a reminder email with the Zoom link the day before each call.

Facilitators: Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Topic: Dreaming Our Way Forward: A Collective Dreaming Practice

The Racial Healing Initiative offers racial healing workshops during the RCC's regularly scheduled Community Calls for retreat center leaders. Our vision is a field of retreat centers with a shared commitment to racial healing in their communities—fostering racial justice, disrupting white supremacy, and healing together in deep, resilient, and equitable relationships. We invite you to join us on Tuesday, June 13, for a racial healing workshop with special guest Michelle Cassandra Johnson.

Dreaming Our Way Forward: A Collective Dreaming Practice

At this time on our planet, when many things seem to be on fire, literally and figuratively, we must be creative in responding to all that is burning, churning, crumbling, and being dismantled. Systems of oppression make us feel limited in our response to the magnitude of what we are up against. Yet, we have the power to dream and vision outside of systems of oppression such as white supremacy, the cishet patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, and all systems meant to further fracture us from ourselves and one another. In fact, we must learn to dream outside of the constraints of systems that thrive on upholding a hierarchy of bodies and keep us disconnected from our true nature, individually and collectively.

The process of dreaming during dream time as we slumber allows us to come up with divine solutions for problems that previously seemed impenetrable, such as the systems of oppression and climate chaos we are experiencing at this time. Bringing our dreams into waking life allows us to implement these solutions. In this session, Michelle C. Johnson will share how a dream practice can allow us to harness our divine power to come up with divine solutions to respond to the chaos and tumult of the world. She will share content about how to more fully engage our dream of creating a whole and healed world into action and guide a collective dreaming and visioning practice.

About Michelle Cassandra Johnson:

Michelle is an activist, social justice warrior, author, anti-racism consultant and trainer, intuitive healer, and yoga teacher and practitioner. Michelle’s work centers on healing from individual and collective trauma, coming back into wholeness and aligning the mind, body, spirit, and heart. Her latest book is We Heal Together: Rituals and Practices for Building Community and Connection.

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